네이버 플러스 재단은 뉴저지 주정부에 등록된 비영리 기관으로 여러분의 후원으로 운영되고 있습니다. 더불어 함께 하시는 여러분들의 따뜻한 물질의 후원을 통하여 크고 작은 섬김과 돌봄, 그리고 문화와 교육 프로그램들이 제공되며 진행되고 있습니다.
Neighbor Plus has been operating only with your support as a non-profit organization registered in the state of New Jersey. We offer a variety of services and programs in the foundation through sponsorships of donations.
Even $10, $20 that is spent every day without much thought, could help Neighbor Plus substantially. Every little donation can help us gather a great amount of money to help keep these programs running.
Through Neighbor Plus, there are many ways to help our neighbors.
1.Family Member Monthly Donation
• Family members can help neighbors on a monthly basis
• Every month, you can donate up to $10, $20, $50, $100 or more
2. Neighbor Plus, sponsored by directors
• Sponsors by directors, must donate at least $600 a year.
• Donations can be made in split monthly payments or once every year
3. Helping Neighbor Plus in corporate sponsorship
• Partnership with Neighbor Plus with an institution or company is possible and helpful. (Churches, organizations and companies are included)
• Gold member (Monthly $200/yearly $2400), Platinum member (Monthly $300/Yearly $3600), Diamond member (Monthly $400/yearly $4800)
4. Non-members
• You can help even without as a member.
• Any donations at any time would greatly help the cause.